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Awbridge Primary School



Art at Awbridge Primary School 

At Awbridge Primary we believe that our rich curriculum will allow children to learn about and be inspired by great artists, artworks, styles and different cultures’ art from around the world. Art and design is an essential means of creative expression that boosts self esteem and gives children opportunities to ask questions and think deeper, working at individual and collaborative levels. It is these opportunities to work together for a common purpose that demonstrates to children that their contribution is important. The exploration of artworks helps to promote open and enquiring minds allowing children to interpret, challenge and evaluate what is communicated.

Across the Primary years, Art is planned in a way that children can build on a progression of skills using a broad range of art and design techniques. We aim to develop inquisitive learners with a lifelong passion for learning that will hold them in good stead as they approach their Secondary education, and indeed from there to employment opportunities.  A cross-curricular approach ensures there are meaningful opportunities for retrieval practise of the skills learned.

As an outlet to communicate personal ideas and feelings, children are taught about the lives and works of a range of artists, craft-makers and designers. They look at similarities and differences between artists, comparing traditional and contemporary works as well as art from a range of cultures. Engagement in creative and critical thinking are key tools in enabling children to produce their own artwork, thereby boosting confidence, building resilience and encouraging children to be risk takers; traits associated with good mental health. Each child values their sketchbook as a place to develop and experiment with ideas and techniques as they build knowledge and skills, reflecting on and evaluating their outcomes.

We encourage children to take great pride in their artwork and it is displayed as much as possible.  Throughout the year children have the opportunities to foster links with local Secondary schools and participate in community projects.

Teaching Safeguarding through Art

At Awbridge through our curriculum we support children to…

  • understand that all art should be respected and valued
  • that everyone can be an artist, everyone has a different opinion of what is ‘good art’
  • accept that the outcome might not be as expected and to
    maintain a positive mind-set
  • celebrating success with positive praise
  • to reflect and making choices including accepting reflections from others
  • accept and recognise the differences of the human form and viewing life drawing with respect