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Awbridge Primary School


English as an Additional Language

Awbridge Primary School welcomes families from all over the world.  Many families in Hampshire do not speak English as a first or home language.  It is important to tell us if this is the case for your family.  This will help us understand how best to support you and your child.  Schools use information about children's first languages to monitor progress and achievement and to make sure no child is disadvantaged because English is not their first language.

EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Travellers Achievement Service)

At Awbridge Primary School we liaise with EMTAS on a regular basis to ensure that we are supporting our Ethnic Minority pupils effectively.  When a child arrives at school from another country their level of English is assessed by an EMTAS representative and also their competency in their home language.  This allows us to support children quickly from the moment they arrive.  If it is appropriate, the child may have a number of sessions with an EMTAS interpreter who speaks their home language, allowing them to settle more quickly and understand how English schools work.

 EMTAS has a dedicated phone line which parents can access in order to clarify information from school or ask questions relating to home or school life.

 Please call EMTAS on 01256 330195 and ask to speak to someone in your home language.  If they are able you will then be called back by an EMTAS interpreter in your language. Please check the EMTAS website for an up to date list of languages spoken.

The school is developing a variety of ways to effectively support children and families, especially those for whom English is not their home language.  A few examples will include posters and signs around the school in different languages, close monitoring of progress and achievement of EAL pupils, a welcome booklet, small group pre teaching of topic vocabulary and coffee events for parents.