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Awbridge Primary School



Computing at Awbridge Primary School 

Computing is at the heart of every modern household and therefore will be key to their journey through life. As Digital Natives, children at Awbridge need to be able to use and express themselves as well as develop their ideas through information and communication technology. We strive for pupils who are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content whilst instilling fundamental behaviours, which will allow children to keep themselves safe online. 

The Computing curriculum has four key areas – Computer Science, Digital Literacy, Use of Technology and Safety. Each year children consolidate and build from previous learning. There are many opportunities for children to work collaboratively, as well as individually, and it is through these opportunities that children will develop a range of skills such as teamwork, tolerance and resilience. We are well resourced with class sets of ipads and Chromebooks as well as laptops and PCs around school.  

The teaching of the Computing curriculum at Awbridge is highly practical which enables all children to be successful and make excellent progress.

The overall aim is to equip pupils with a high-quality Computing education in order for them to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.

Teaching Safeguarding through Computing

At Awbridge through our curriculum we support children to…

  • model expectations and responses to information
  • predict risks and take appropriate action to keep yourself safe online
  • take responsibility for what you say and do - links to social media
  • respect other people’s experiences, thoughts and be prepare to reflect and challenge appropriately
  • develop a healthy digital attitude, recognising the impact of excessive use on mental and physical wellbeing
  • follow a set of instructions and reflect on the effectiveness of those choices

Computing Provision Map

Computing Programme of Learning