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Awbridge Primary School


Design and Technology

Design and Technology (DT) at Awbridge Primary School 

The study of Design and Technology helps prepare children for our ever-changing world. By developing their practical life skills, it assists children in evolving a greater awareness and understanding of how everyday products are designed and made. The subject draws upon a range of skills, including mathematics, art, computing and science, and promotes curiosity, resilience and innovation. In addition to this, it encourages children to become creative problem solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team.

we teach the children technical skills, covering a range of skill areas, including Construction, Mouldable Materials, Mechanisms, Textiles and Food and Nutrition. We feel that the teaching of Food and Nutrition is a great importance and holds great relevance in current times.

At Awbridge Primary School, the Design and Technology curriculum is carefully mapped, with some units taught discretely and others with cross-curricular links.  We follow the ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ approach to the teaching of DT, as outlined in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study document. Working in unison with the evaluate stage of the design cycle is for the children to investigate past and present products. This form of market research is an integral part of the design process and enables children to consider, discuss and improve their own designs.

Children develop problem-solving skills and have the opportunity to take risks in their learning as they make links in their experiences, choose ways to do things and persist when challenges occur. Through practical work, children begin to select resources, test ideas and choose ways to solve problems. During the evaluation stage of our ‘Design, Make, Evaluate’ approach, children are encouraged to reflect upon their work and the work of others against design criteria, considering the effectiveness of the methods and resources used, and responding to constructive feedback from others. Teachers assess children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in design and technology by making observations of the children working during lessons. Children are also encouraged to be critical of their own work, highlighting their own next steps.

Teaching Safeguarding through Design & Technology

At Awbridge through our curriculum we support children to…

  • to gain and understanding of the touch and feel of certain materials
  • accept when something goes wrong or doesn’t turn out as expected
  • celebrate the success of others to give encouragement and boost self-esteem
  • choose materials safely including things like no sharp edges etc.
  • use tools and resources that are appropriate for a task
  • work inclusively with all children who may have different needs
  • express opinions, giving and receiving constructive feedback
  • work safely when managing food intolerances
  • develop tenacity to innovative and be creative in their thinking

Design and Technology Provision Map

DT Coverage

DT Provision Map

DT Improvement Plan