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Awbridge Primary School



English at Awbridge Primary School

English has a significant role both within education and beyond. It is a subject in its own right and the medium through which the whole curriculum becomes accessible. Communication is a key aspect of everyday life in all societies. At Awbridge Primary we strive to develop the children's spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as essential aspects of the teaching of every subject. We aim to cultivate a passion for books and a long-lasting enthusiasm for literature; from Year R through to Year 6 stories and poems are shared daily and books are an essential feature of our classrooms.

Spoken language is embedded in the English curriculum with the inclusion of reciting poetry, debates, etc. Whether participating in role play or drama, we provide all children with meaningful opportunities to speak with confidence and enjoyment; to equip them to become effective communicators.

Children need a secure understanding of phonics to become effective readers and throughout Year R and Year 1 children have daily phonics lessons, learning to decode words for reading through blending sounds. As children develop into fluent readers, they learn to build comprehension skills through guided in-depth analysis of good quality texts, to infer information and to give their own viewpoint. Our aim is for all children to become lifelong readers and we encourage children to foster a love of reading from the very start through story based topics which ensure children experience a broad range of literature with exciting and varied vocabulary. Our library contains a wealth of engaging texts for children to delve into and explore. 

Reading and writing are inextricably linked and we strive to promote a love of both through a number of ways using text based learning from high quality rich texts. Children learn that purpose and audience lie at the heart of writing which in turn informs choice about vocabulary, language and text structure. Children study a broad range of fiction and non-fiction including picture books, heritage texts, contemporary texts, short stories, poetry and media clips. Each quality text is carefully chosen to provide excellent and engaging examples of the grammar and composition objectives set out in the National Curriculum for each year group. Handwriting, spelling and grammar are woven through learning journeys. Children become skilled at planning their writing as well as editing their work for effectiveness. The wider curriculum provides an essential opportunity for transferring these skills so that their significance becomes embedded in practice.

English Programmes of Learning


English Guidance 

Read these documents to find our more about Reading, Writing and Spelling at Awbridge. 

Reading at Awbridge 

Writing at Awbridge 

Spelling at Awbridge 


English Long Term Plans

Chestnut Writing LTP Text Overviews

Willow Writing LTP Text Overviews

Maple Writing LTP Text Overviews

Conifer Writing LTP Text Overviews

Beech Writing LTP Text Overviews

Oak Writing LTP Text Overviews