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Awbridge Primary School



PSHE at Awbridge Primary School

At Awbridge our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education)  

Curriculum aims to give our pupils the knowledge to understand the choices they face as they grow up and the skills to make safe choices as they prepare to become adults. 

 PSHE education equips children with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices, and in achieving economic wellbeing. A critical component of PSHE education is providing opportunities for children to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future. 

Through the PSHE curriculum, the pupils of Awbridge Primary School are provided with opportunities to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through: cooperation, communication, evaluation, reflection, decision making and managing their emotions. The children learn about their human rights and engage with issues of diversity, identity and equality through exploration of similarities and differences between people and their experiences, and the discussion of social and moral dilemmas. 

At Awbridge Primary School, teachers use a wide range of teaching strategies, including role play, discussion, group work and circle time as a vehicle for delivering, discussing and reflecting on life skills.

Through regular assemblies led by members of staff and visits from outside experts and agencies, including representatives from a variety of charities, PHSE is embedded into the daily life of the school. These activities, combined with teacher-led discussion, circle time and informal talks about issues as they arise, mean that learning in this vitally important curriculum area is always relevant to what is happening in class, school or the wider world. Across the school, topics and lesson content are adapted to the needs of each group and the school is skilled at making sensitive issues accessible to pupils in a safe and supportive environment.

Teaching Safeguarding through PSHE

At Awbridge through our curriculum we support children to…

  • manage friendships including how to manage social situations like playtime, conflict, difference of opinion
  • develop respect and trust through their behaviour and responses
  • resist negative pressure from peers
  • know how to keep themselves safe online and in the real world
  • regulate their own behaviour and emotional responses
  • know how to call the emergency services and the importance of doing so wisely and safely
  • recognise who are trusted adults in times of need
  • how to maintain positive emotional and physical health and hygiene
  • become supportive peers and citizens who listen to others with respect and live comfortably with difference
  • be respectful of money and recognise the value of a resource
  • know when not to share personal information and how to respect the physical space of others
  • understand how certain drugs can be dangerous and the difference with those that are prescribed but always acting with safety in this area
  • understand that sex is an activity which takes place between consenting adults which may lead to reproduction
  • recognise that families take many different forms 

PSHE Provision Map

PSHE Programme of Learning