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Awbridge Primary School


Parent Support

The aim of this page is for parents to have an understanding of how to support their child on their learning journey. 

What you can do at home?

Generally encourage your child to research the areas we are studying from books they have at home or visit the library. Support your child in researching these subjects on the internet. 

Most importantly, allow your child to practice, little and often, aspects of their learning, especially reading, times tables and spelling. 


Depending on which class your child is in, weekly homework will include reading, spelling, maths, English.  Homework is set on Google Classroom for yeas 1-6 children. Support children to complete it, but don’t do it for them. Allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. Find a quiet place for homework to be completed. 


Be a good role model. Make sure children see you reading and writing (even if it is a shopping list!) Talk to your children about your day and their day. Watch TV with your child and talk about what you see. Children should read to an adult or themselves, depending on age, for 15 minutes each day. Talk about what happened in stories and help children find out the meaning of unknown words. Encourage your child to use a local library. Encourage children to write stories information books, diaries, anything that captures their interest and encourages them to practice more at home. 


We have created KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Fact Sheets). KIRFS are designed to support the development of the mental skills that underpin much of the maths work in schools. They are particularly useful when calculating, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing.The KIRFS can all be found on our website.  

Ideas to support maths in every day life include: 

  • Look at prices in shops and discuss change
  • Allow children to handle real money and calculate if they have enough to buy and change that will be given
  • Look at timetables and problem solve how long journies take
  • Show children how to tell the time on digital and analogue clocks
  • Encourage children to help with cooking and DIY involving weighing and measuring
  • Encourage children to count in 2s, 5s 10s etc.  



Encourage your child to write sentences and stories on the computer to improve keyboard skills. Use the internet with your child to research areas of interest. IMPORTANT- unsupervised internet research can allow children to reach inappropriate material. For further information see our Internet Safety page. 



Encourage your child to be active outside of school and to share their sporting successes with us.  



Encourage your child to tell you new French words and phrases they have learnt, even if you don’t speak French yourself!   We hope these ideas are useful.


Useful websites

There a lots of great games and websites on the internet to help your child in their learning. From finding out new knowledge to practising recently acquired new skills. 

We are always looking for new websites to add to this page. If you know of any websites that you would like to share please do email the office and we will add that to the list. 

There are also great websites that need an annual subscription. In particular we recommend: 

BBC Bitesize for KS1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/levels/z3g4d2p

BBC Bitesize for KS2 http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/levels/zbr9wmn

Primary games http://primarygamesarena.com/

Crickweb games http://www.crickweb.co.uk/

ICT games http://www.ictgames.com/resources.html

Maths is fun http://www.mathsisfun.com/