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Awbridge Primary School


Religious Education

Religious Education (R.E.) at Awbridge Primary School 

The study of R.E or Religious Education in school allows children to interpret and respond to a variety of religious concepts, values, beliefs and practices. Here at Awbridge, our aim is that all pupils understand the nature of religion and acquire an understanding of the beliefs, practices and strengths of all faiths, particularly those represented in our school and community.  

The R.E. curriculum at Awbridge is taught in accordance with the legal requirements of the Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire, ‘Living Difference III’.  This syllabus places emphasis on the exploration of meaning, purpose and values of different faiths, through a concept driven approach. Continuity and progression is ensured through carefully developed medium-term planned units, which are delivered half-termly and each Key Stage covers different religious belief systems in depth. Through high quality RE provision, the children are then able to make reasoned judgements about religious issues, listen to and have respect for others’ views and they feel comfortable to express their own thoughts. 

Through our study of these RE units in class but also through assemblies and termly visits to our local Church, we also emphasise the aims and values of our school and seek to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Assemblies provide a chance to come together as a school community, to learn about different faiths and festivals, to reflect on important ideas or to celebrate achievements. We have assemblies most days, as a whole school, as well as a weekly key stage assembly. Awbridge Primary School has strong links with the local village church and we will attend services there at Harvest, Christmas and Easter. In addition, our Key Stage 1 children perform their Christmas Nativity show in the church to parents and members of the local community.  

By fostering a responsible and caring attitude towards each other and developing relationships with others in the community, our pupils are prepared for the responsibilities, opportunities and experiences they will encounter throughout their lives.

Teaching Safeguarding through Religious Education

At Awbridge through our curriculum we support children to…

  • develop objectivity when considering texts and stories
  • recognise difference and diversity and learning from this
  • develop knowledge of all religions that promote understanding and tolerance
  • develop racial awareness and how to talk about it using acceptable language
  • resist extremism and prevent radicalisation
  • understand traditions, rituals and routines (respecting
  • listen to RE stories and texts
  • reflect on ethics/morals what is acceptable and not acceptable
  • use discussion, debate, circle times (knowing it’s okay not to take part if it’s a sensitive issue) to develop tolerance and wider thinking
  • challenge our own beliefs about what happens in the world not necessarily religious views
  • think about what can be seen as right and wrong from different points of view 

Religious Education Provision Map

RE Coverage

RE Provision Map