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Awbridge Primary School



Science at Awbridge Primary School 

At Awbridge we aim to introduce children to the world of living things, materials and scientific revolutions through delivering an inclusive, engaging and inspiring science curriculum. Children will leave Awbridge with a range of scientific skills, which will ensure they continue to build on their understanding of scientific concepts throughout their lives. We promote a passion for science, which will allow children to be inspired by science in the wider world and develop a questioning approach, thus operating successfully as scientists.  

Science learning is carefully mapped and builds on previous learning. It is a mixture of discretely taught units and some cross-curricular links. The use of an enquiry-based approach, including how to investigate and answer questions provides children with opportunities to work alongside others and show resilience with trial and error for science is as much about finding out what does not work as what does! Investigative and enquiry-based work encourages children’s independence with choosing equipment, making predictions, testing hypothesis and drawing conclusions. We also acknowledging the importance of fair testing and changing variables which are all skills which can be transferred across other subjects. 

The overall aim is to ensure that all children within Awbridge Primary School receive accessible and high-quality science provision which is meaningful and contextualised. There are a variety of science focused school trips including visiting zoos, local beaches and residential visits which involve elements of science, such as animal classification and habitats. Our fantastic School grounds are utilised as much as possible to support learning.

Teaching Safeguarding through Science

At Awbridge through our curriculum we support children to…

  • make informed choices and decisions to using given information and also through observations
  • understand that sexual behaviour can have a reproductive purpose
  • develop confidence to express and voice their own ideas
  • listen, respect and reflect on other people’s views and findings
  • understand that science should be undertaken in safe way, both practically and emotionally. Using tools and apparatus
  • that when making decisions try to change in one variable at a time, making links between ideas and learn from it
  • predict risk and make adaptations
  • value personal hygiene and recognise the importance of personal space
  • form effective and sensitive questions
  • work in diverse groups and partnerships, accepting children with specific needs
  • be aware of religious beliefs and show empathy for these
  • adopt different role within a group and challenge stereotypes